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MB Express repair is the leading truck repair company in the US. Our team of highly skilled and experienced mechanics are experts in all things truck-related, from engines to brakes. When it comes to brakes, we always recommend air brakes over hydraulic fluid brakes. Air brakes work using compressed air instead of hydraulic fluid, so they're much more reliable and require less maintenance. Air brakes can be either drum brakes or disc brakes, or a combination of both. Air is pressurized by an engine-mounted compressor. The air compressor then pumps the air into the air storage tanks, which store the compressed air until it's needed.
Air Bags
Brake Cans
Drive Axle Drum inboard / Outboard
One-Wheel Brake Job Inboard / Outboard
S-cam and Bushings
Slack Adjusters
Steer Wheel Drum Inboard
Trailer Axle Drum Inboard / Outboard
Wheel Seals
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